

Bung Hatta in developing Indonesia's economy in accordance with the mandate of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. Framework of economic thought Bung Hatta is basically built on the following three categories: economic theory, political economy, and political economy. Regarding economic theory, Bung Hatta clearly states that the explanation of economic theory of truth so far only applied to himself, but becomes very relative when faced with economic reality. That is, as far as tested according to its assumptions, the economic theory of truth can be said to be absolute. But because the assumptions on which economic theory was not found in the economic reality, the explanation of economic theory should be seen only as one tool in understanding the economic realities.

In order to use economic theory as a tool for understanding the economic reality does not lead users to a false conclusion, what is required by Bung Hatta called political economy. As he explained, "economic policy is a strategy to implement economic theories are rational in nature which is born,". As a strategy to implement economic theory, which aimed to achieve maximum results with the smallest sacrifice, economic policy must take into account the existence of factors non-economic. In fact, because each branch of production have their reality, karakterisitik each branch of production is a factor that needs to be considered in the context of economic policy. Finally, when faced with the desire to increase the prosperity of society, economic policy must be further transformed into economic policy. Different from economic policy is the implementation strategy of economic theory, political economy is a political decision based on certain ideological considerations. As presented Bung Hatta, "Political economy suggests a normative goal. Coraknya determined by ideology, the country's political and social understanding. (After that) before science came in the 'office to serve'. In determining the goals of prosperity, people determine the attitudes, thoughts following the analysis back, ". Based on the framework of economic thought like that, can be seen how Bung Hatta gave place to a very high position to ideology as a reference for improving public welfare. Ideology lies beneath the economic reality. While economic theory lies at the bottom. This means that, in order to increase the prosperity of society, the main reference for the Bung Hatta is not economic theory-laden assumptions, but a willingness to live in the hearts and minds of the people as expressed in the ideology he believed.

Hatta's view of the economic plan is basically a policy to "convene a national economy that is set, tujaunnya and planned way,". Economic basis of planning lies in two things: first, the goals to be achieved, and second, the determination of the composition rules to achieve that goal. In more detail, the objectives of economic planning, Bung Hatta merumuskannnya as follows, "the purpose is to carry out economic plan, so that production is adjusted to social needs, so that people eliminated poverty or prosperity of the people caused. To implement the economic plan, "there must be a firm plan as an instrument of government, who think the possibilities are addressed and implemented in each period of time, think about spending, develop the right balance between production and consumption, between imports and exports, so the plan is a unified whole, ".

Citing Angelopoulos, in the framework of economic planning, the implementation of development should be done basically through two departments: the state sector and the private sector. "The state of carrying out business-related major public interest. Where necessary nationalization of large companies are more or less have a monopoly position ..... They included banks, especially banks circulation, mines, transport companies, electricity, metal processing companies, heavy industry, which affects directly or indirectly on other economic activities. Economic activity so forth ...... handed over to the private sector, "

What is interesting is the comment on the implementation of Bung Hatta Repelita According to Hatta, actually it was not right time to start planning the economy. Conditions that must be fulfilled most important yet available. First, the chaotic state administration and its employees redundant has not improved. Second, civil service salaries are only enough for a week and a maximum of 10 days, has not improved. And third, the most important requirements, data and sufficient information for the entire economy of Indonesia is not yet available.

Especially with regard to civil service salaries are far from sufficient and do with the plague of corruption that hit Indonesia, Bung Hatta, commented as follows, "Until now running two years Repelita, semangkin rampant corruption, which is not wrong to say has gradually become part of Indonesian culture . Show, where people exchange services where the infestation is not corruption!

"How Repelita can work well, as long as this cancer is still there in the government. Therefore also other countries, who will carry out planned economy, began by paying a sufficient salary to live for employees. It can be understood as to carry out a rational economic planning, there needs to be fun to work, "


Anxiety is a feeling of fear, fear that there will be something that is not fun. Anxiety is anxiety, restlessness, anxiety, fear something will happen. Anxiety harm humans, damage to his health, erode his ability and reduce the award against him. Study conducted at the University of Kuming Bur Pensilvania in 1977 proved that more women slumped on a folding tigakali anxiety than men. While studies conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States asserted that 13 million people contract the anxiety and successful people in life are those who can escape from anxiety.

Anxiety can lead to physically shaking hands, trembling lips, eyelids, uncontrollable blinking, heart beating fast, mengginggil cold, headache, backache, muscle spasm leg, muscle spasms his neck, acne, and other kinds of diseases. While a psychic anxiety can cause stress, fear and fantasy things worse. Anxiety can lead to lack confidence and feel humble that can give bad influence to human behavior in life in general and make a lot of ability. Declining employment Etor, lazy, destroying relationships with fellow workers, superiors or subordinates and ultimately result in decreased work productivity.

Anxiety differs from fear. Fear has a reason, and because an acceptable, whereas anxiety does not have a reason and an acceptable reason. If in future we are going to pounce on a lion, if we fear then it is something natural, but if there are no lions to pounce on us and there is no apparent reason then it means we can not escape from anxiety. Anxiety can arise from man's own self in the form of a shadow or a scary thought. Research shows that the fundamental anxieties that lodged in people who are not able to detach themselves from anxiety is the fear of failure, fear of rejection and he was always busy thinking about how the assessment of people against him.

To mengatasskecemasan we can do some langakah. First, identify and mengertahui major causes that trigger anxiety. Second, find a solution to get away from the cause of anxiety. Third, create a clear goal. Fourth, take risks, do not hesitate and let go of fear. Fifth, if it fails it will accept failure as part of the lesson, correction, fix, try again, work hard, never despair, praying and addressing these failures there's always the bright side. If we have found the positive side of failure, it was the beginning of success. Failure actually show us toward our goal really is. Failure is really not there, that there are results that do not fit with what we want. Why should we have anxiety?. Allah says about Prophet Zachariah and the Prophets, "So We listened, and we anugrahkan him Yahya and made his wife pregnant. Indeed they are the ones who always rush in doing deeds good and they pray to Us with hope and anxiety. They are the people who khusu 'to us (al-Anbiya; 90).


The characters are great world, they have a modest nature, able to listen to others with patience, willing to admit that they do not know everything and want to learn from others. Thus we can learn to anybody about optimism. According to Daniel Goleman, optimism is the persistence in fighting for goals despite obstacles and failures. People with this ability perseverance in pursuing goals despite many setbacks and failures, worked with the hope of success rather than failure, at failure or setback as a situation that can be controlled rather than personal shortcomings.

Dr. Moustafa Mahmoud, in the book Mind and Body, said that "We will deal with all that we expect and predict to be a success". We must always enhance positive expectations and continue to be an optimist. We also have to learn from Helen Keller. He was a deaf, blind and mute, but his heart glow. Eventually he became a famous writer., Which was filled with optimism. He once said "Optimism is the belief that led us to success".

I feel grateful to God, even though I had been left by my parents at the age of about 3 years, so I had to take my grandmother and can learn from my grandmother. As a child my grandmother always told me about his sons, including my father told me about. One time, my grandmother told me about my uncle smallest. "Om Kamil's former hard life, other people have to go to school so. But now a man "my grandmother said. Om me when it became Marketing Manager of Corporate Sweden. After that, she established a compressor plant in Bekasi. I idolized him with a factory or a businessman. When other grandmother told her about my named Om Om Tarjo always demonstrating how to drive a car. Sayapun hoping someday have my car like Om. Even my grandmother also told me about my name Om Om Kamal. "Om Kamal was a teacher at the school Telale Elephant" my grandmother said. I heard with a smile, because my grandmother said something funny. Telale elephants are Javanese or Indonesian language elephant's trunk. But that is a Lecturer at the University of Gadjah Mada University. Generating optimism I like Om someday I can lecture at the University of Gadjah Mada. My grandmother was illiterate, could not read and write, but teach optimism to me with a sincere heart. The doctrine was scratched on my heart the deepest, the scratch marks can not be removed until today, still smoldering without being able to put out, except by the Creator. My grandmother is the best teacher is unmatchable. I am deeply indebted to my grandmother, I have not had time to repay my grandmother, but God has called him. I can only pray, I hope God gives us the best place in the side. "Hope to goodness, surely you will get" the word of the Prophet Muhammad.


Wisdom is something that has meaning or a deeper meaning or something kebijakksanaan of which comes from God. Although it was from God's wisdom, but not everyone can accept the difficulties, suffering, sadness and failure. How to take this wisdom that distinguish successful people and those who fail. The man who failed so falling, he never woke up again and can not take lessons. While successful people, so fell she would wake up and take lessons. Philosophy Tionghoa family had desperately wanted before failing more than three times, while the Japanese will continue to rise seven times before it fails. That's the way they are dealing with the failure and take lessons.

When I failed to enter university that I desire, namely Bandung Institute of Technology majoring in Mechanical Engineering, so I accept the field as received in FMIPA Physics UGM. I can take a lesson from the incident. Maybe God wants me to have in the world of education. Alhamdulillah, now I have managed more than ten universities from the Academy to the University. When Primagama established with a very small capital, is only able to rent a room Rp25.000, 00 per month. After 3 months we were told to move. "Brother Purdi we usually talk of family problems, but this time I want to talk business. Considering you have not paid my rent for three months, so I ask all the items in my house is your take-home ", said the owner of the house. Mr. Purdi replied, "I'm with my friends, just spread brochure Pak. Please I am given a chance ". "I give a week's time to clean my house," said the owner of the house. Then Mr. Purdi home to me and tell what the landlord. When I answered, "God willing, there are lesson". Then we both strive to spread leaflets to students and not wasting a week's time. In one week we finally get the money Rp50.000, 00. Then, I was with Mr. Purdi find another place and finally got a place to rent Rp30.000, 00 per month. After signing the agreement, then Mr. Purdi I invite to see the new office from the front. Then I said, "Our new office a little better than his old office. That is the lesson ". Mr. Purdi nodded.

Likewise, when I founded STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, I was asked to Primagama to rent a place or office. But Primagama not want to rent a place or office. I had to take lessons from the incident. "Maybe I should learn to find a way when no money to rent office" I said to myself. Of this difficulty I finally found a way, the future owner of an empty house on Jl. Monginsidi No. 8. That happened in April 1994 .. The owner of the house was named Mr. Drs. Budi Sutrisno. "Sir, I want you to rent a house for two years" I said. "Sure. the house was empty "said Mr Blake. Then I tried to pay the rent with August and September. Pak allows for rent dinotariskan condition. Every failure is always a lesson. If we already know the positive side, or we can take lessons, then that's the beginning of success. "Because really, hardship is a convenience, really, hardship is a convenience" (Nature NASYRAH: 5-6).


Executive hubris cause the collapse of one of the company. In 2002, the company has oil tdiketahuin Enron collapse, because its executive employees tehadap repugnant behavior by firing employees en masse, but behind it was reported the company was still able to find funds to finance the $ 200,000 luxury box at what was once called Enron Field. Polaroid Company, reported to cancel retiree health benefits, retired before the company's petition, contrary manajemdilaporkan petition the bankruptcy court to be allowed to give $ 19 million in bonuses to executives in order not to leave the company. Likewise, companies that pay Webvan CEO who mendurkan himself $ 375,000 annually for life, before the company ceased operations are to lay off employees. Thanks to the incidents publicized uproar about executive greed and arrogance, Americans no longer believe in the big companies to new levels. America's New Economic and promising era of new prosperity is not limited. But it was groundless, Mark Ingebretsen writes in his book Why Companies Fail. "Many top executives tend to establish the distance to the front lines. The bigger the company, the more likely the top executives lose contact with the front line. This could be the single most important factor that inhibits the growth of the company "says Jack Trout. The experience of the failure of the world's top executives can be used as a very valuable lesson and we do not repeat again.

But instead, founder Sam Walton as Wal-Mart, with a modest and humble to visit the front lines (salesman) of every Wal-Mart stores throughout his life. He even mengabiskan midnight unloading didok and berbicaran the crew. Sam Walton's leadership style is close to the employee coloring corporate culture of Wal-Mart today. In 2003, Wal-Mart was selected as number one company of the most amazing world, Fortune magazine.

Similarly, when Umar went to Sham Khatab camel ride along with his assistants. Umar took turns with the attendants in the climbing camel. When Umar camel ride, then the assistant who holds the rope, otherwise if the camel ride attendant who holds the rope Umar, and so on until the destination. When he arrived at Sham Omar's turn came to pull the rope, on the way the camels' Umar held the rope and slippers tucked under the left armpit. Governor of Syria, Abu Ubadah know and say, 'O Commander of the Faithful, the authorities have come out Syam your pick, then it does not deserve when they see you like this. "Umar said," It is with Islam because we have to be noble, it does not matter what people say ". Leaders who lead with humility is a noble leader in both the side of God and the human side.